Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The article has diagnosed me with Affluenza. The first thing it does to me is diss me for being a follower of black Friday. that’s the one day a year I get to blow off my money and that happiness doesn’t ware out till a month later. But the article is right, if it wasn’t our society putting it in our heads that black Friday is the best day for deals, I wouldn’t be shopping at 1am. I think our intentions our good trying to save money and all, but, when we get too into this idea, the companies end up gaining the most.
Companies like Wal-mart sell expensive items for cheap for one reason: Impulse. You wait on the curb all night on black Friday just to snatch one of the few Wiis they have in stock at a good price. Next thing you know, the lady next to you knocked you out and you didn’t get that Wii. What are you going to do now? Shop some more. Many of those people didn’t get what they waited for so they end up spending money on other items at the store that aren’t heavily discounted making the stores much more money. We are in the age where shopping list are obsolete. People walk in and see what they like and buy it whether they planed to or not. Like they said in the article, the ladies at mall of America came to buy a few items yet they ended up buying other stuff they liked. Now because Affluenza is a strong virus, people can not control the need to walk in the mall. This virus makes it almost impossible to walk into a store and now spend any money. Its going to take a lot of work, but this can be cured. All we need is to find a better activity to do with our time specially with the economy in the dumps. Its going to take will power, but, if the individual puts their mind to it, they can create the first vaccine for Affluenza.

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