Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hmm! We talked this week about how our norms here in America look totally bizarre to those from Germany and ex. Well we never seem to discus all the differences we have coast to coast. I just wanted to mention some weird things I have seen through some of my journeys. I went to California and Reno a few months back and I had no idea what a straight away was or that pretty much all the schools in the area were outdoors. And when my Reno friend came to my town, he was shocked at the distance between stores and the time its takes to get to them, as well as the thing we call a basement. It just reinforces the fact that we are all different, DUH. My idea I am trying to get at is we have this stuff in our daily lives every time we see people from other states on TV and such and many of us still don’t see the difference. Even though the things I mentioned were more physical, there are plenty non-material culture out there that different coast don’t see to share. And it makes it that much easier to understand my own American culture since I see it differently though every person I meet.
Another thing I loved is the idea of limited weekend hours in Germany. I start to think of some people I work with and I wonder when they get a chance to breath. One of my managers has worked 15 days in a row and I don’t know how he does it. I start thinking if he had that weekend, how nice would it be? I feel like people NEED to sacrifice all they have just to make ends meet! I mean isn’t the point of being alive, to actually be able to live and enjoy yourself? Yes, finances suck and people are going to be screwed, but, if most places were closed on weekends, then most people wouldn’t have to work. It would put all of us at an equal playing field. I mean maybe less stuff would be done a week in a store, but, the same effect will happen anywhere so why not give people a break? The reason weekends were created was to give people a break and after watching movies like the high cost of low prices, I wondered when these people could get a weekend. I just feel bad for people who have to be slaves for work, its just kind of unfortunate. Oh, did I even mention the stress it would take off peoples back? Think about the heart attacks we were prevent. And don’t people do better jobs when they aren’t on constant pressure? I know I do! And looking at Stevenson, all the people who aren’t smart freaks that come out of the factory are people who are under the pressure and if they don’t get to where they should be, their confidence decreases causing even more emotional harm to themselves. This all truly does stem from the weekend, I can just feel it. So teachers should re-consider homework on weekends or even homework in general. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Cool post Shaily. I don't know if I will consider a ban on weekend homework, but I think that I am pretty fair. You point out significant difference within America, which I would say are regional differences/subcultures and worldwide differences which are totally different cultures. Have you ever been to Michigan? They have the Michigan left turn, or to New Orleans where schools have whole week off for Marti Gras?
