Thursday, March 26, 2009

what you got under your shirt will make them pay for the things that they did

a dark song that i cant help but love
Teenagers By My Chemical Romance

They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you
Because they sleep with a gun
And keep an eye on you, son
So they can watch all the things you do
Because the drugs never work
They're gonna give you a smirk
'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean
They're gonna rip up your heads,Your aspirations to shreds
Another cog in the murder machine

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

The boys and girls in the clique
The awful names that they stick
You're never gonna fit in much, kid
But if you're troubled and hurt
What you got under your shirt
Will make them pay for the things that they did

This song tells us the reasons behind shooting. Kids get called names all the time and they put down your entire life. And what they got under there shirts (guns) will make them pay. It mentions the cliques which are always the people who are one sided and don’t see anything else in this world but themselves. And Stick: when you hear a name so many times, people tend to repeat it. I honestly don’t think the phrase that’s so gay is just something that everyone does. Someone started saying it and then someone else said it and then it just became a part of peoples vocabulary. Its completely pathetic. And no the drugs never work. You cant take a pill to make people not make fun of you. Just like that’s so gay happened, names you call certain people stick. Everyone joins in to pick on a kid, they will continue because they know its not them. I could go on and on about the message in this song. But you can read it yourself and think about how you feel. And this songs video was actually supposed to come out right around the time of the Virginia Tech shooting but was delayed because they re-edited it to make it more suitable for the viewers.

As much as it sounds bad to say, I justify these shooters for there rage and anger. No I do not think they should be killing people, but, they have every right to be angry. It seems that the people in our class don’t see it that way. After hearing a comment in class that was clearly based on there own bubble, made me realize how little some people see. Just saving a few phrases directly or indirectly can make this song into a reality. These kids who get shot specifically by the shooters needed to learn a lesson but never did and it cost them there lives. No they shouldn’t die, of course not, but no one ever has sympathy with the shooter. I have sympathy with them are human beings not as killers. People lived there lives every day and new these people were being treated badly by peers yet they either joined in or did nothing to stop it. Why haven’t people learned to love one another and not make fun of each other. that’s the only way we can prevent this stuff. We should try to embrace these people and not hurt them. I don’t understand why this keeps happening every where. People need to quit. These boys needed someone by there side and clearly no one was there. It seems like people were asking for a backlash. Sorry but that’s reality. We are the reason for these boys rage. We need to be the cure to the problem because its all in our hands.

*Just wanted to say something here I said in class. Its white boys because even though we don’t have a true definition for the word normal, a white middle class male has got to be close. They aren’t all too special and there problems seem tiny compared to females and minorities.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

play time.

frick. i had this whole thing written about little patriots and how its just like the article and it all got deleted. FML.

well it woulda been my second blog anyway so it dosnt matter. uggg!


Agents of my life! (the article is so true!)

Gosh the article is nuts. So much in that is true and surprising. First off, the whole day care thing how it doesn’t matter how much you spend, the child has a better chance to have behavioral problems if they attend a day care. I guess after reading it, it sounds kind of obvious. Less time with parents, less bond. that’s what being a teen is all about so why should a parent give away the greatest time in life to bond since once they hit 8, many think they are independent and can own the world.
Universality: a word to an idea in my head. So I am a little patriots teacher and yes the kindergarteners are so sweet, but, they come from an area where people can be a little spoiled. I’m pretty sure this happens in most kindergartens everywhere, but I know for us, it takes some ordering around to get them all to clean up. It could be because that’s what happens at home. Also, I think at least half the class went away on elaborate vacations and some of them didn’t even like it all that much making me think because they have so much, opportunity’s that would be rare to some students, is looked down upon. Basically my point is when they cry for something they want or there is a fight, they don’t always win. They don’t have there parents doing everything for them like defending them. They have to go by the school rules and be equal. Even today, a student gave me those angelic eyes and had a little pout trying to be cute just so I would listen to her. It doesn’t work on us like parents so its cool to see the equality.
“From the people we rub shoulders with at work, we learn not only a set of skills but also a perspective on the world”. - so true. My life has changed so much since I started my first job junior year and my second last may. Working with people in there mid 20’s trying to make ends meet, makes me value my life even more. I know with that job, I couldn’t pay off the car my dad lets me use, but, no matter how much I make, the lessons I learn from all the people I work with will be with me till the day I die. I learned so much about religion and its negative impacts from my manager which helped me formulate my own opinion changing my life forever. I learned how to make smoothies and put together a complicated orange machine. I’ve learned to treat customers with respect. I feel so accomplished to see how much I have learned from work in the last year.
Biggest shocker in this article is how these people actually researched the idea of what makes a ’popular girl.’ Family background, physical appearance, the ability to attract popular boys. Sounds just like my middle school. All the girls who looked pretty and had some sort of a chest and wore make up seemed to have more friends, specially with the athletic boys. And also in the article it says your in or your out of the inner peer group. Boy could that be any truer. The kids in the middle of in and out have it the worst because they know that they can be looked down upon if they don’t wear the right clothing, shoes, or make up making them so critical of their lives and lowers there confidence if they don’t get in. The kids outside either are smart like my cousin who thinks this clique stuff in 6th grade is stupid, or has no confidence what so ever. And the people inside? Now they are the worst, if they mess up everyone knows. And they have a fear that will consume them because they don’t know what it feels like to be outside. This whole idea is what starts people on the wrong path to high school. The ones who are in the core generally from what I’ve seen, end up not being well liked in high school because many students are over the idea of inner and outer circles yet these students clearly are not.
I need to stop talking! Goodnight!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Boo Boston Market

*random blog*

so remember when we were reading about how americans are lazy and like quick fixes.... well look what i found on Boston Markets website:

"The thing about making dinner is - you've got to make it. You start with shopping for all the ingredients. Then you go home, and this is where it gets fun. Because ingredients need to be chopped, diced, measured, mixed, and then cooked (or baked) until they're ready to serve.
That sounds like a lot of work. And who wants to work when the good stuff is waiting?
Check out the newest thing in the deli section of your supermarket, Boston Market meal solutions. Grab it, heat it, enjoy it. It's everything you'd expect-craveable chef-inspired recipes made with wholesome natural ingredients. And, they're ready to heat, so that means dinner is ready in minutes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blogdays with Morrie.

Your not dead till your dead. The sad thing is people never die like Morrie. I mean imagine the confidence level of people who know they will die in the next few months? Its like what is the point of making myself happy when I wont have any memory of the fact in a few months? I think the sociology behind it is that life doesn’t matter anymore. Why can’t we just look at life like it’s a vacation. We only get to come on this vacation for 80 or what ever years and we enjoy every second of it because we want to get away from the reality. The reality in this matter not being alive. Just because the vacations ending doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what is left of it. I would think once your this old, life doesn’t have any rules. You can enjoy it how ever you want. Take risks because if those risks work out then what an experience you’ll get! I mean Morrie could have sat in a nursing home and rotted away. I mean why waste time with someone who will be gone. The great thing about Morrie living on is that he still changed the world long after his death. He taught Mitch the value of life which he passed on to the world with the book and movies. And every year when students see this movie, they can pass on Morrie to everyone and truly learn to value life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


so my friend kyle was telling me how he has a super secret blog and i want to know about it! ugg! darn secrets!
Haf K

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hmm! We talked this week about how our norms here in America look totally bizarre to those from Germany and ex. Well we never seem to discus all the differences we have coast to coast. I just wanted to mention some weird things I have seen through some of my journeys. I went to California and Reno a few months back and I had no idea what a straight away was or that pretty much all the schools in the area were outdoors. And when my Reno friend came to my town, he was shocked at the distance between stores and the time its takes to get to them, as well as the thing we call a basement. It just reinforces the fact that we are all different, DUH. My idea I am trying to get at is we have this stuff in our daily lives every time we see people from other states on TV and such and many of us still don’t see the difference. Even though the things I mentioned were more physical, there are plenty non-material culture out there that different coast don’t see to share. And it makes it that much easier to understand my own American culture since I see it differently though every person I meet.
Another thing I loved is the idea of limited weekend hours in Germany. I start to think of some people I work with and I wonder when they get a chance to breath. One of my managers has worked 15 days in a row and I don’t know how he does it. I start thinking if he had that weekend, how nice would it be? I feel like people NEED to sacrifice all they have just to make ends meet! I mean isn’t the point of being alive, to actually be able to live and enjoy yourself? Yes, finances suck and people are going to be screwed, but, if most places were closed on weekends, then most people wouldn’t have to work. It would put all of us at an equal playing field. I mean maybe less stuff would be done a week in a store, but, the same effect will happen anywhere so why not give people a break? The reason weekends were created was to give people a break and after watching movies like the high cost of low prices, I wondered when these people could get a weekend. I just feel bad for people who have to be slaves for work, its just kind of unfortunate. Oh, did I even mention the stress it would take off peoples back? Think about the heart attacks we were prevent. And don’t people do better jobs when they aren’t on constant pressure? I know I do! And looking at Stevenson, all the people who aren’t smart freaks that come out of the factory are people who are under the pressure and if they don’t get to where they should be, their confidence decreases causing even more emotional harm to themselves. This all truly does stem from the weekend, I can just feel it. So teachers should re-consider homework on weekends or even homework in general. Thanks!