* Give the title of the module/station : Measuring Ourselves
* Who was in your group? Joe
* The group is trying to figure out the relationship between height, wingspan, and foot size.
* we went outside and measured each group member and recorded the results.
* I helped make sure the tap measure was lined up while the other group members got measured.
Part II: Your Work
# Is there a relationship between height and wingspan? The height and the wingspan are very similar. Each student had a difference of 3 inches or less.

# How can you tell from the graphs? We can tell by looking at the imaginary line of best fit. All the plots are near the diagonal cutting the graph.
# Is there a relationship between height and foot length? The taller you are, the larger the foot size you have.

# How can you tell from the graphs? We see that the higher the height, the farther the person is on the foot size scale.
Part III: What did you think?
* Answer the following questions individually:
o What did you like about this activity, if you were the student? What about if you were the teacher?
Student: I would like this activity because it lets me physically do something. I have to get out of my chair in order to get everyone measured. This also lets me get a better understanding of where the data came from.
Teacher: It lets the teacher see how well students interact in a group. I think teachers like this because it puts the kids on a path to independence. Its also a good breather for the teacher since we can be relaxed because we watch and help the students. Its a behind the scenes task.
o What did you not like about this activity, if you were the student? What about if you were the teacher?
Student: I didn't like the program we used to graph. Yes, it was easy to use, but, its like teaching a student English and in the middle of the year telling them they can only speak in Spanish. I feel that if you start the kids on a simpler graph program, when they get to excel, it might be confusing. So I think it would be best if they were in 5th grade to use excel.
Teacher: Personally, I feel like I might forget to bring enough tape measures to class. Other then that, I liked the activity.
o What were the most interesting and/or surprising parts of this activity?
I am not sure what to be surprised about. We have done things like this in the past so I have already seen the results. I also was surprised by how much I enjoyed doing it again. Its nice to feel like a kid again. I still feel like a kid inside so I want to preserve my youth through eduction.